Elon Musk Is Right (at Least on One Thing)

Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day

Jay Vaananen


It’s an idle corporate platitude but the news media have a decision: adapt or die.

In truth, it’s not even that black and white. Many will die anyway because they left it too late.

The exact cause of death for those that fail to adapt will be some, or all, of the following:

  • They are centralised and top-down as opposed to decentralised and bottom-up
  • They tinkered with their models rather than reinvented them (AI, subscriptions and Substack will save us!)
  • They are nepotistic and undemocratic (quoting the same people day in, day out)
  • They idly regurgitate press releases and corporate claptrap that nobody cares about
  • They have become brazen political echo chambers and barely concealed propaganda machines

But it’s the mainstream media’s (MSM’s) desire to control the narrative that will ultimately seal their fate.

Because the narrative is no longer theirs. It’s yours. In all your diverse, authentic and learned (imagine that!) glory.

Whether you love or loathe Musk, he’s right on one thing (though his own platform fails to practise what he preaches):



Jay Vaananen

PR exec and writer. Co-founder of Newspage. Have humour, will write.